Elixir Mediterranean Dr. Jacob's, the original View larger Polyphénols +, Sucre -
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Elixir Mediterranean Dr. Jacob's, the original


For a good blood circulation. The well-known benefits of the Elixir of Pomegranate increased active extracts concentrated tomatoes (lycopene + 37 bioactive components) and grapes (resveratrol)

  • extracts of active tomato concentrates 75 ( Lycopene + 37 bioactive constituents), for a good blood circulation
  • 10% of grapes for rich resveratrol extract

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500 ml

± 25 daysof consumption

± 1,88 € / day

Ref. : NMJ006
EAN : 4041246500233
CNK : 3070919

46,92 €

 Out of stock

Our advantages :



The benefits of the POMEGRANATE Elixir fermented, plus a patented water-soluble tomato concentrate WSTC1 and a TOTUM concentrated resveratrol; french grape polyphenols these fruits are part of Mediterranean lifestyle:

  • the juice and pulp of about 41 grenades matured in the Sun, gently concentrated and rich in polyphenols from fermented pomegranate and bioactive,
  • the extract of grape with Resveratrol 10 times more concentrated than a traditional fermented grape juice.
  • a concentrate of especially soluble tomatoes from approximately 75 tomatoes, they help to maintain a healthy platelet aggregation, thus contributing to a good blood circulation*.

Promoting the blood circulation of the tomato extract effect is confirmed by 15 clinical studies and the European authority for food safety (EFSA). A total of 37 components from water-soluble tomato concentrate showed inhibition of platelet aggregation and thus contribute to a good blood circulation!


The effect is felt quickly endeans 1 h 30 and lasts from 12 to 18 hours for light legs daily!!


What is best in approximately 41 grenades: 600 mg of polyphenols of Grenade per 20 ml. Our other products in the range fermented pomegranate, like the GranaProsan or the GranaCor also contain a highly concentrated amount of polyphenols which are obtained by the method of Dr. Jacob’s ® living fermentation.


The only natural solution, whose beneficial effects for a good blood circulation, are demonstrated by several scientific studies)in vitro, in vivorandomized clinical trials versus placebo) and confirmed by a health claim granted by a panel of scientific experts consisting of about fifteen people of EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).

Tomato comes from approximately 75 tomatoes, or 3 water-soluble tomato extract g for 20 ml Elixir Mediterranean. It comes from “freezing” yellow (or mucilage) surrounding the seeds of tomatoes. More than just lycopene, it contains 37 additional bio-active components that maintain a healthy platelet aggregation and are involved in a good blood circulation! It is simple, natural and safe. It does not interfere with other dietary supplements and can also be consumed by pregnant women.

The improvement of blood circulation is felt the first day and quickly in 97% of the population!


Platelets can become “thorny” and thus activate the coagulation, not only in case of injury, but also stress, Overweight/obesity, high cholesterol, smokers and during regular or intense sports practice. The patented tomato extract keeps the soft pads and thus participates in circulation in the blood vessels, without preventing natural and desired coagulation in case of injury (as evidenced by several scientific publications: O’ Kennedy N et al. 2003b;) O’ Kennedy et al., 2005; O’ Kennedy et al., 2006 c; O’ Kennedy et al., 2007; Song V et al. 2008; Zhang F et al. 2007/2008).

 We can compare this phenomenon to the traffic of a highway. Imagine that platelets are cars, each running at a brisk pace on his band. If 2 or more cars crash, dozens of kilometres of files are created... Therefore, one can easily understand the importance of maintaining the smooth flow of cars on the highway to keep the motorway traffic flow!

 NB: you not Kirti in your store in order to consume large quantities of tomatoes because you will not get the same benefits. Unfortunately, we absorb not sufficiently quickly the active components of the tomato


The Mediterranean Elixir contains 5 mg per 20 ml of resveratrol! This corresponds to the rate of resveratrol content in about 500 ml of red wine’s quality, or about 10 times more than in a juice of traditional fermented grape! Effective aid for a good cardiovascular function.

Direction of use

The beneficial effects are obtained with a daily consumption of 20 ml of Elixir Mediterranean, pure or diluted in 250 ml of water, maximum 3 water-soluble tomato concentrate g (EFSA).

Our advice

To a bio-availability, taste the Mediterranean Eixir between meals. Shake before use. Open, the Mediterranean elixir keeps 7 weeks in the fridge.

Our tip: Mix 1 glass of soy milk with 10ml Elixir, a true delight!

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  • Vegan


  • + Polyphénols - Sucre

    + Polyphénols - Sucre

» Pomegranate products Fermented Pomegranate Comparison Chart

# Elixir de Grenade (Jus de grenade fermenté) de Dr Jacob's®
Elixir de Grenade
GranaProsan (jus de grenade fermenté lyophilisé)
Quantité 500ml 100 gélules 100ml
  • dans 1 c.à.s
  • dans 2 gélules
360mg 360mg 230ml / 3ml
Fermentation (assimilation améliorée)
  • Grenade Fermentée pour partie
  • Jus du fruit
  • Grenade 100% Fermentée lyophilisée
  • Grenade Fermentée
  • Vitamines
  • Minéraux
Vitamines B2
Minéraux Potassium Zinc et Sélénium
Propriétés Celles de la Grenade Fermentée
  • Favorise une bonne immunité
  • Maintien des muqueuses (bucco-pharyngée)
Dosage 2 c. à soupe/jour, en 2 prises 2 gélules, 2 fois/jour 3 x 25 gouttes/jour
Valeur PRAL* -8 dans 20 ml -0.8 dans 4 gélules
Moment de prise ?
  • Eloigné des protéines animales (poissons, viandes, oeufs, lait...).
  • Entre le petit-déjeuner et le repas de midi puis entre le repas de midi et le repas du soir (par ex. 10h/16h ou avant le coucher).
  • Possibilité de consommer avec les protéines végétales (diluer dans une boisson végétale (de soja, de noix) ou dans une salade de fruit avec du citron).
Forme Liquide Gélules Liquide
Sans gluten, ni lactose

*La valeur PRAL (PRAL : Potential Renal Acid Load) est une valeur fréquemment utilisée pour évaluer l'effet acidifiant ou alcalinisant des aliments. Cette valeur indique la charge acide potentielle des reins (ou la production d'acide) induite par la consommation d’un aliment.

Plus la valeur est élevée, plus l'excrétion d'acide par les reins est importante.

✔ Les aliments ayant une valeur PRAL négative sont alcalins, équilibrent les acides et soulagent ainsi les reins.
✔ Plus la valeur PRAL est négative, plus les acides sont équilibrés.

Data sheet

Reference NMJ006
Manufacturer Dr. Jacob‘s® Medical
Supplier Jacob's Medical
EAN 4041246500233
CNK 3070919
Dosage form Juice
Quantity 500 ml
Certificat ÖKO-CONTROL, Vegan, + Polyphénols - Sucre
Type of product Superfood
Type of therapy Nutritherapy
Intolerance Lactose FREE, Sans additif
Ingredient(s) Pomegranate, Raisin, Tomate
For who? Men, Women
Spécificité Haute biodisponibilité

Derived products

A question ? A specific need ? Contact our scientific team

Nos conseillers vous consacrent avec plaisir 10 minutes pour vous informer sur la posologie, l'usage et les indications de nos produits.
Pour des conseils plus privés ou au-delà de 10 minutes de conversation, nous vous invitons à souscrire à notre abonnement consultations nutrithérapeutes.

  • Sandra Cascio

    Sandra Cascio

    Nutrithérapeute Cerden
    Master en biochimie et biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, ULg

    Lundi au vendredi de 14h00 à 16h30

    Indisponible par téléphone en février

    Contact par email (Réponse dans les 8 jours ouvrables)

  • Fabien Piasco

    Fabien Piasco

    D.E.S.S. en nutrition Alimentation fonctionnelle et santé (U. Laval, Ca)
    D.U. Nutrition et maladies métaboliques (U. Rennes I)
    Diététicien D.E. / Diplômé en neuro-nutrition (SiiN)

    Mardi : 14h00 à 19h00
    Jeudi : 9h00 à 12h00 & 13h00 à 19h00
    Vendredi : 9h00 à 12h00

    Indisponible par téléphone en février

    Contact par email (Réponse dans les 8 jours ouvrables)

Pack 3 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

Pack 3 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

90,00 €

Pack 5 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

Pack 5 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

125,00 €

Pack 10 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

Pack 10 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

225,00 €
