Xaventin (comprimés) View larger
Exclusive manufacturing
Nutritional supplement

Xaventin tablets

  • Extract of the best quality of wheat germ!
  • Vegetable protein source for maintaining muscle mass!
  • Sweeteners, flavoring and sugars FREE!

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150 comprimés

± 15 daysof consumption

± 3,50 € / day

Ref. : NMB002
EAN : 5999505010766

-10% 58,29 € 52,46 € Offer valid until 08/30/2025
Shelf Life Short : 30-08-2025
- +

 In stock

Our advantages :


Maintain muscle mass

Xaventin tablets is source of protein to help maintain muscle mass.

Sweeteners, flavoring and addd sugar FREE!

A one single process using the fermentation of wheat germ

Wheat germ used to obtain the product Xaventin is equivalent to that found in breads and whole foods. During the extraction and fermentation processes, fundamental changes are taking place. For example, some components are stabilized, others are concentrated. This is the reason why the Xaventin and the active substance Xaventin pulvis make the completely different from the traditional wheat germ.

The release of quinones

Pendant la fermentation du germe de blé à l’aide de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, des quinones (2-MBQ et DMBQ) sont libérées en tant qu’aglycones (substances non glucidiques) grâce à l’activité enzymatique glycosidase de la levure (dégradation des glucides complexes).

During this step, the enzyme of the yeast breaks the links between the sugar molecules and quinones, which allows to release the last sugar trap. This step is crucial and allows the release of quinones, molecules whose benefits were highlighted by Hidvegi, Hungarian biochemist who has worked for decades on the wheat germ.

Quality & certifications

The Xaventin got the GRAS status (Generally Recognized As Safe) in 2005 by FDA (Food Drug Admnistration) in USA because the tests confirm the absence of danger for the human health.

Each fermented wheat germ batch is subjected to strict quality control in order to obtain a given quantity of active component: Xaventin pulvis.

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP, Good Manufacturing Practice)

The respect of the standards product manufacturing is a daily practice of the fermented wheat germ that makes, Xaventin, a product of excellent value, produced according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Manufacturing Practices).

Quality and safety are ensured by the use of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point), by obtaining the certificate of GMP and ISO 9001: 2008 certificate issued by SGS International Certification Services Yarsley.

The production plant is monitored annually by the Ministry of Health.

Reproducibility beneficial properties

HPLC analysis (high pressure liquid chromatography) "fingerprint" is an important element to ensure the reproducibility of each batch of fermented wheat germ. In the production, HPLC fingerprint chromatograms are regularly monitored and compared with a reference chromatogram to verify the composition and thus the effectiveness of the final product for each batch, this is a equivalent to that specified.

Each new production of fermented wheat germ is identical and has the same beneficial properties.

Directions for use

  • For a weight less than 110 lbs, 2x4 tablets per day, 110 lbs and 200 lbs, 2x5 tablets per day.
  • For a weight above 200 lbs, 2x7 tablets per day with a big glass of water.

In all cases, it is recommended to take Xaventin one hour before a meal and two hours before or after taking all preparations containing vitamin C (fruits or supplements).

Differences between Xaventin sachet and tablets

 Xaventin sachetsXaventin tablets
Form Powder (dissolved in water) Tablet (to be swallowed with a glass of water)
Active ingredient Xaventin pulvis
Consumption depending on weight
  • Bellow 110 lbs = 1/2 sachet per day
  • Between 110 lbs and 200 lbs = 1 sachet per day
  • More than 200 lbs = 2 sachets per day
  • Bellow 110 lbs  = 2 x 4 tablets per day
  • Between 110 lbs and 200 lbs = 2 x 5 tablets per day
  • More than 200 lbs = 2 x 7 tablets per day
Preservation Below 15 °C Below 22 °C
Diabetics Contains sugar Low in sugar
Packaging 1 box = 30 sachets 1 bottle = 150 tablets
Valeur nutritionnelle100 g8 tablets14 tablets
Energetic value 802 kJ 66 kJ 116 kJ
185 kcal 15 kcal 27 kcal
Protein 26,5 2,2 3,9
Carbohydrates 17,6 1,4 2,5
Lipids 1,4 0,12 0,2


Xaventin pulvis (75% extract of fermented wheat germ (Triticum vulgare), corn maltodextrin, microcrystalline cellulose, polyvinyl-pirrolydone (bulking agent), anti-caking agents (dioxide silica, magnesium stearate, talc), emulsifiers (polyvinylpirrolydone , hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), in very low concentration dyes (titanium dioxide, yellow-orange (0.0015%), tartrazine (0.0027%), indigo carmine (0.00076%).

The active substance of Xaventin tablet is Xaventin pulvis which is an extract of de best quality of wheat germ, selected and processed by a biotechnological process.

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Certificate of sale

Différences entre Xaventin en sachet et en comprimés

Xaventin 14 sachets
Xaventin (14 sachets)
Xaventin (comprimés)
Xaventin (comprimés)
Forme Poudre (dissoudre dans de l'eau) Comprimé (à avaler avec un verre d'eau)
Principe actif Xaventin pulvis
Consommation en fonction du poids
  • En dessous de 50 kg = 1/2 sachet / j
  • En 50 et 90 kg = 1 sachet / j
  • Plus de 90 kg = 2 sachets / j
  • En dessous de 50 kg = 2 x 4 comprimés / j
  • En 50 et 90 kg = 2 x 5 comprimés / j
  • Plus de 90 kg = 2 x 7 comprimés / j
Conservation En dessous de 15°C En dessous de 22°C
Diabétiques Contient du sucre Pauvre en sucre
Conditionnement 1 boîte = 14 sachets 1 flacon = 150 comprimés

Data sheet

Reference NMB002
Manufacturer NaturaMedicatrix
EAN 5999505010766
Dosage form Tablets
Quantity 150 comprimés
Certificat GMP, Vegan (NM)
Type of product Nutritional supplement
Type of therapy Nutritherapy
Intolerance Sans soja, Lactose FREE, Sans sucre
Ingredient(s) Wheat germ
For who? Men, Women, Sportif, À partir de 18ans
Spécificité Haute concentration

Derived products

A question ? A specific need ? Contact our scientific team

Nos conseillers vous consacrent avec plaisir 10 minutes pour vous informer sur la posologie, l'usage et les indications de nos produits.
Pour des conseils plus privés ou au-delà de 10 minutes de conversation, nous vous invitons à souscrire à notre abonnement consultations nutrithérapeutes.

  • Sandra Cascio

    Sandra Cascio

    Nutrithérapeute Cerden
    Master en biochimie et biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, ULg

    Lundi au vendredi de 14h00 à 16h30

    Indisponible par téléphone en février

    Contact par email (Réponse dans les 8 jours ouvrables)

  • Fabien Piasco

    Fabien Piasco

    D.E.S.S. en nutrition Alimentation fonctionnelle et santé (U. Laval, Ca)
    D.U. Nutrition et maladies métaboliques (U. Rennes I)
    Diététicien D.E. / Diplômé en neuro-nutrition (SiiN)

    Mardi : 14h00 à 19h00
    Jeudi : 9h00 à 12h00 & 13h00 à 19h00
    Vendredi : 9h00 à 12h00

    Indisponible par téléphone en février

    Contact par email (Réponse dans les 8 jours ouvrables)

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Pack 3 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

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Pack 5 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

Pack 5 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

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Pack 10 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

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