The Dr. Jacob's Foundation


Chi-Café® bio View larger
Official importer


Chi-Cafe bio


An exceptional flavor,  the exception of one healthy taste!

  • Vegetable coffee not acidifying and digest
  • Vegetable fibers source
  • Certified BIO
  • Guarana + Reishi + Ginseng

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± 67 daysof consumption

± 0,48 € / day

Ref. : NMJ029
EAN : 4041246500349
CNK : 3694353

-10% 36,02 € 32,42 €
Shelf Life Short : 29-07-2027
- +

 In stock

Our advantages :


DE-ÖKO-070 Nicht-EU-Landwirtschaft Non-EU-agriculture

Vitality, without acidify your body!

Chi-Cafe® Bio, is a tonic, but also a good intake of dietary fiber with a natural and best quality of calcium, it's juste a winning combination!

A beautiful habit with the association of taste and nutritional quality. Chi-Cafe® Bio has a particular composition with a little bit of sweet Arabia and Robusta coffee, but especially acacia soluble fiber (Acacia) accompanied of guarana extracts, aromatic plant like Ganoderma (Reishi mushroom) and Ginseng will surprise you in a different positively way.

The traditional coffee can tire the stomach and intestines, which is why many people suffer from intolerance coffee. Also, the traditional coffee affects the absorption of certain minerals, such as calcium for example.Chi-Cafe® Bio, is a source of natural calcium, it's soft, easily digested and well tolerated by the stomach and intestines.

Three Cups of Chi-Café ® Bio provide 13 g of dietary fiber, or ± 43% of the daily amount recommend by the German Society for Food.

Energy & Digestive Enzymes

Chi-Café ® Bio is a source of natural calcium (from acacia) to promote normal energy metabolism and normal digestive enzymes function. It also participates in the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones.

Natural source of calcium, Chi-Cafe® Bio does not present the disadvantage of the traditional coffee which counteract the absorption of this mineral (Massey & Whiting, 1993).

Three cups cover 18% of the recommended daily intake of calcium.

Chi-Cafe® Bio is gluten and lactose FREE.

Chi-Cafe® Bio contains a barley extract that does not contain gluten (supporting analysis)!

Guarana stimulates you gently

Guarana is a tropical fruit which releases caffeine slowly. It has a softer and more durable effect that caffeine.

Directions for use

For a cup:

  1. Pour 100 ml of boiling water over 6 g (± 2 teaspoon) of Chi-Cafe® Bio.
  2. Sweeten SteviaBase if needed
  3. Possibly to add 30 ml of vegetable milk, like example soy, oat or almond milk.
  4. For maximum flavor, lather all with a milk whip.

In summer you can drink it with ice, Chi-Cafe® Bio is also soluble in cold water. 

Enjoy it, only 3 cups a day!


  • Acacia gum (75% soluble dietary fiber), soluble coffee (20%), natural flavor (with reishi extract), guarana extract (1.5%), ginseng extract (0.1%) .
  • Ingredients from certified organic agriculture.
  • One cup contains +/-50 mg  natural caffeine outcome from guarana and coffee
  • Contains traces of barley
  • Gluten & Lactose FREE

Compare and choose your Chi-Café!

4 possible choicesChi-Cafe BalanceChi-Cafe ClassicChi-Cafe ProactiveChi-Cafe Bio
Magnesium: tiredness / memory /concentration  
Calcium: bones / teeth    
Fibres végétales alimentaires ✓ Acacia 55%
Corn dextrin
✓ Acacia 72% ✓ Acacia 65%
Corn dextrin
✓ Acacia 75%
Soluble coffee Arabica 22% Arabica 16%, Robusta 4% Arabica 25% Arabica doux, Robusta
Guarana extract ✓ 4% ✓ 5% ✓ 1,5%
Reishi and/or Ginseng
Pomegranate extract ✓ 1%   ✓ 1,7%  
Spices cocoa vanilla cardamom, cinnamon, cloves clove, pepper, nuts
nutmeg, vanilla Bourbon
reishi, ginseng
Polyphenols per 100g 4g   4,8g  
Protein per 100g 3g 3,3g 2,9g 6,1g
Caffeine per portion 85mg 50mg 115mg 50mg
Cost / cup 0,37€ 0,32€ 0,37€ 0,35€
Number of cups / box 36 66 36 67

⬅ To more information, click on the left menu



» The entire Chi-Cafe® range Compare and choose your Chi-Cafe®

Chi-Cafe free
Chi-Cafe free
Chi-Cafe Balance
Chi-Cafe Balance
Chi-Cafe Classic
Chi-Cafe Classic
Chi-Cafe Proactive
Chi-Cafe Proactive
Chi-Cafe Bio
Chi-Cafe Bio
ReiChi Cafe
ReiChi Cafe
Magnésium : fatigue / mémoire / concentration
Calcium et magnésium : os / dents Magnésium Magnésium
Vitamine C
Vitamine B12 : système nerveux / énergie
Vitamine B2 et B3
Fibres végétales alimentaires Acacia 35% Acacia 55% Acacia 72% Acacia 65% Acacia 75%
Café soluble Café vert
Café décaféiné
Arabica 22% Arabica 16%, Robusta 4% Arabica 25% Arabica doux 12%, Robusta 8% Espresso
Guarana 19%
Extrait de café vert (1%)
Thé soluble extrait de thé vert (5%)
extrait de thé maté (2%)
Extrait de Guarana 4% 5% 1,5%
Reishi et/ou Ginseng
Extrait de grenade 1% 1,7%
Épices poudre de lait de coco, ginseng, reishi cacao ginseng, reishi cardamome, cannelle, clous
de girofle, piment, noix de
muscade, vanille Bourbon
orge poudre de coco, reishi, ginseng poudre de mangue
Polyphénols par 100g 4g 4,8g
Protéines par 100g 5,2g 3g 3,3g 2,9g 6,1g > 7g > 5g
Caféine par portion 0 75mg 50mg 80mg 50mg 75mg 20mg
Coût / tasse ± 0,43€ ± 0,37€ ± 0,32€ ± 0,35€ ± 0,35€ ± 0,48€ ± 0,25€
Nombre de tasses/boîte ± 50 ± 36 ± 66 ± 72 ± 67 ± 60 ± 72
Boîte 250g 180g 400g 360g 400g 300g 180g

Data sheet

Reference NMJ029
Manufacturer Dr. Jacob‘s® Medical
Supplier Jacob's Medical
EAN 4041246500349
CNK 3694353
ACL 6360563
Dosage form Powder
Quantity 400g
Certificat Bio, Vegan
Type of product Superfood
Type of therapy Nutritherapy
Intolerance Gluten FREE
For who? Men, Women
Spécificité Chi-Cafe
See full range of Chi-Cafe

Derived products

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  • Sandra Cascio

    Sandra Cascio

    Nutrithérapeute Cerden
    Master en biochimie et biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, ULg

    Lundi au vendredi de 14h00 à 16h30

    Indisponible par téléphone en février

    Contact par email (Réponse dans les 8 jours ouvrables)

  • Fabien Piasco

    Fabien Piasco

    D.E.S.S. en nutrition Alimentation fonctionnelle et santé (U. Laval, Ca)
    D.U. Nutrition et maladies métaboliques (U. Rennes I)
    Diététicien D.E. / Diplômé en neuro-nutrition (SiiN)

    Mardi : 14h00 à 19h00
    Jeudi : 9h00 à 12h00 & 13h00 à 19h00
    Vendredi : 9h00 à 12h00

    Indisponible par téléphone en février

    Contact par email (Réponse dans les 8 jours ouvrables)

Pack 3 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

Pack 3 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

90,00 €

Pack 5 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

Pack 5 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

125,00 €

Pack 10 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

Pack 10 consultations nutrithérapeutiques de 30 minutes

225,00 €
